
Royal Garden Hotel Tea buffet~

22 Nov (sat) 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m:
Thks for Jan mama' s happy tea
buffet in Royal Garden Hotel, TST.
this's my 1st time to eat there, nice~

more than 30 different desserts, eg. tiramisu, blueberry cheese cake, truffle cake, chrysanthemum cheese cake, and etc.....delicious, all r Tony Wong's dessert, i love all cake there ah~ also freshness and flavor, stir-fried Italian pasta and creme brulee are prepared to order at a cooking station. The tea buffet also includes delicious salads, snacks, fried noodles or rice, hope to bring my family to try there again sooon!!!~




追求反璞歸真, 簡簡單單的過日子