Thanks for Felix inviting me to go there! V. nice place , good mood with nice food and drink! thx felix took me nice photos! lovin there so so muchhhhhhhhhhhhh! highly recommend! i will bring my blythe to come next time ah! haaaa~
昨天是 Jan mama last day in Hunters...唔捨得, unlucky that joyce放工時被阻撓, 唯有晚一點join dinner, 好開心的晚餐, 吃得飽飽還有一只公仔送, 屋企的高清TV昨天趕及安裝好, 回家還看到尾段開幕禮, 超欣賞中國 show 人既表演, 仲有最後李寧燃起火炬, 真是超creative, 很壯觀! 中國加油~